Doctors and nurses use SOAP note to document and record the patient’s condition and status. This note is widely used in medical industry. The SOAP note stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.Cages were washed with soap and rinsed with clean water between trials to remove any residues from the previous treatment. a substance used for washing the body or other things: 2. Inside soap:Body you’ll notice the GetStockPrice element which is specific to the application.

Above is an example SOAP request message to obtain the stock price of a particular company.When it comes to application programming interfaces (APIs), a SOAP API is developed in a more structured and formalized way. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a message specification for exchanging information between systems and applications.For the public at large, though, and even for some soap-makers, the subject can be confusing. There’s also a huge difference between “made with lye” and “containing lye.” None of this is news to people in the soap business. The truth about lye in soap-making is simple: there is no true soap, as defined by the FDA, without lye.The process is called “saponification” the definition of “saponify” is literally “to turn fat or oil into soap by reaction with an alkali.”